Who can order in the Boellhoff eShop?
Only companies located in Switzerland and Lichtenstein can order in the Boellhoff eShop. There are no eShop accounts for consumers. Companies located in other countries may register onto the respective country eShop.
Customers from other countries, please send your inquiry or order via email to
How do I create an eShop account?
Click on the “log in” button on the top right and on “register now” then fill in the registration form. You define your log in information (email, password) during the registration process. Your account will usually be activated within 1 hour, after a quick check of your company information. After your account has been activated you’ll receive a confirmation email.
This does not apply for consumers and companies that are not located in Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
How long does the activation of my eShop account take?
My account
How does the log in work?
Your login information has been defined during the registration process in the registration form. The login information consists of a valid email address and a password. For the log in please click on “log in” on the top right and type in your log in information.
Why are prices not displayed?
I forgot my password.
Where can I manage my customer information?
How can I change the billing address?
The billing address cannot be changed in the eShop. If the billing address is not correct, please send an email with the correct information to We’ll adjust the address accordingly.
How can I change the delivery address?
Article search
How does the article search work?
Does the search work with the Boellhoff article number?
Where can I find information about my eShop orders?
How can I check the availability of items?
How can I add our order reference to the eShop order?
Which payment method does Boellhoff accept?
How long does the delivery take?
How do I return items?
If you have a complaint about an item you have recently purchased, please send an email with all relevant information (order number, article number, reason for complaint) to We’ll take care of it and get back to you regarding the further proceeding.
CAD files
How can I download CAD files?
Whom can I contact if I have questions?
If you have questions about the eShop registration, about orders or if you need further assistance, please send an email to, use the contact form or give us a call. Under +44 225 12 12 the eShop team will be available.